Ingelera indartzeko egiten ari garen ekintzen artean, Skype-en bidez gure ikasle batzuk Irlandan dagoen ikastetxe marista baten ikasleekin pasa den ostiralean komunikatu ziren. Hau da kontatu digutena:
On Friday 13th, our objective of connecting with Moyle Park College by Skype came to fruit.
Moyle Park College es un colegio marista situado en Clondalkin, cerca de Dublín. Además, cuenta con una Language Summer School para todos los chicos y chicas que quieran mejorar su inglés en verano.
"We felt excited and nervous before the connection. However, our work on the project offered to us the intuition of considering a special opportunity to collaborate and learn with other Marist students.
We spoke about our school, Bilbao, Spanish territorial division and eventually, about Basque culture. In respond to that, Irish students spoke about their school, Dublin, Ireland and Irish culture."
Martxoaren 17an, Irlandako jaia denez, St Patrick ohorean, Moyle Park College-ko ikasleek , haiek eginda bertso batzuk, irakurri zizkiguten. Guk, aldiz, euskarazko hitz batzuk irakatsi genizikien, besteak beste, eskerrik asko, agur, aita eta ama.
Last, but not least, when we finished the connection we ate and enjoyed some chocolates they sent to us by post. We also, sent them a box of “vasquitos y neskitas”.
We, really, enjoyed the experience and although we had some problems with the sound, we are sure next connection will be better.
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